
Discounted diablo 3 pc necromancer code
Discounted diablo 3 pc necromancer code

discounted diablo 3 pc necromancer code

Rise of the Necromancer adds just one major new thing to Diablo III, a new class, bringing its total count to seven. There are some minor differences between the base game on each platform, but the DLC is the same and everything expressed here is true of the PC release. (Note: this DLC review was based on playing the PlayStation 4 of the game.

discounted diablo 3 pc necromancer code

I’ve been having a wonderful time, raising the dead and casting dark curses. Oh but it’s great to be completely wrong.

discounted diablo 3 pc necromancer code

Another class that’s based on raising gross minions and smashing up mobs from afar? The Witch Doctor seemed to have that amply covered, commanding zombie dogs, harvesting souls and erupting towers of zombies from the ground. I’ll be honest, I couldn’t really see a space in Diablo III for a Necromancer.

Discounted diablo 3 pc necromancer code